Common Sense Discussion on Common Core

While there is a great deal of discussion these days on the Common Core State Standards, much of it is being done at emotional levels that are just too high to be valuable.  Lots of red-meat rhetoric, plenty of vitriol, and a few scare tactics for good measure.  It makes for a wholly unproductive discussion.

But it seems that there are some level-headed, productive conversations going on out there on CCSS, its implementation, and how we can make it work.
Such a conversation can be heard out in South Dakota, where earlier this month SD Secretary of Education Melody Schopp and two local school superintendents were part of a thoughtful television program on CCSS and its impact on the Mount Rushmore State.
The full program can be found here.  Kudos to KELOLAND TV in Sioux Falls for taking the time and making the investment to have such an important discussion for the local community.
Thanks to my friend Fred Deutsch, a thoughtful school board member (and avid cyclist) in South Dakota.
It seems that common sense is finally starting to break through the posturing.  Discussions such as these are one sign of that.  Another is the Business Roundtable now calling for a panel to vet CCSS-aligned teaching materials.  It’s almost enough to make us think that some folks really want to get this right.
I know it is silly, but I do believe …  

2 thoughts on “Common Sense Discussion on Common Core

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