Missing Eduflack?

Apologies, my edu-friends, as I haven’t posted to Eduflack in a while. My content commitments have me focused on other platforms and on other mediums. But you can still find me.

I’m currently writing and commenting for Forbes and it’s Nonprofit Council. You can find my posts here: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesnonprofitcouncil/people/patrickriccards/?sh=779fafb22cb4

I continue to broadcast the Soul of Education on the BAM! Radio Network weekly. You can find those shows here: https://www.bamradionetwork.com/genre/the-soul-of-education/

Eduflack regularly posts the latest on education, leadership, communications, and nonprofit management on his LinkedIn page, which you can find here: https://www.linkedin.com/mwlite/in/riccards

And I’m just as active as ever on Twitter (and somewhat active on Instagram), where I am @eduflack on both of them.

I’m also working on some new endeavors, including podcasting, which I look forward to announcing later this fall.

So I’m not neglectful here. I’m just sharing my edu-love!

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